Covid 9-11: The Invisible Enemy


The question is how can you herd all the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realizing and resisting? The perfect thing is invisible enemies. So, we had the war on terrorism with invisible terrorists. Now, a virus is perfect because it’s invisible; you can’t prove that it doesn’t exist because it’s invisible. Invisible enemies are always the preferred ones, particularly if they scare people. If you can use fear and introduce significant fear, then people will need government to protect them from the invisible enemy.” - Katherine Austin Fitts

Let me begin this argument with a couple of disclosures. First of all, it may surprise you to learn that I have exactly the same medical degree as Bill Gates. You may be even more surprised to learn that I have exactly the same software engineering degree as Bill Gates.

You see Gates is not a software engineer at all. He’s also no expert in epidemiology or virology. Neither is he a ‘philanthropist’. He’s simply a monopolist, one of an elite group of people who by accident of birth we call ‘oligarchs’. Gates comes from a very, very wealthy family, and is used to getting what he wants. Or more to the point, he serves a class of people who are used to getting they want.

You may think I’m crazy for saying this, but I believe that powerful, wealthy people conspire in pursuit of their own power and wealth. And I think this is a perfectly reasonable place to start when interrogating their motives. I’m kind of done repeating myself on this, but if you need a crash course, here are a few bullet points to get you started.

1. There is a ruling class and always has been. They control our education, our civil institutions, our arts and culture, our news and entertainment, and our social media platforms.

2. There is an entrenched psychopathy among the ruling class. They don't give a fuck about us. We are their cattle.

3. The ruling class share a unifying ideology. They are Malthusian eugenicists. They despise us and want us to stop breeding. They want to reduce the population by billions in order keep the earth’s remaining finite resources for themselves. (This is out of their own mouths if you could be bothered doing a little research.)

4. Capitalism has been a useful system for the ruling class but now we have reached the limit of growth, so we need a new economic model. For all capitalism’s excesses, what is coming will be much much worse. No more free market. No more free exchange of labour. No more consumer choice.

5. The ruling class are rewriting the social contract. Again this is straight out of their own mouths. The age of liberalism is finished. All of the things we once took for granted are gone. There will be no more free speech. No more freedom of movement. No more freedom of assembly. You can see it all happening around us right now under the guise of pandemic response, transhumanist ideology and cancel culture. This is an epochal shift which is guaranteed to have visionaries like Rousseau, Voltaire, John Stewart Mill and John Locke spinning in their graves.

6. The ruling class are building a digital Panopticon for us; a surveillance state based blockchain and digital IDs.

7. Geofencing and digital scrip will soon replace cash and freedom of movment. Where we're allowed to travel and what we are allowed to buy will be tightly monitored and controlled, using metrics obtained from our digital health records and social credit scores. Vaccine ’passports’ are already being rolled out in some countries.

8. Impact markets are the new hedge funds. They will be fed by data that's harvested from tracking our every move, everything we eat and drink right down to our vital signs. Technocracy means TOTAL CONTROL of every aspect of our lives. Every input and output. Every calorie of energy. It is intended to be a PERFECT SYSTEM OF CONTROL.

9. The ruling class have been planning this for the last century. Most of this comes straight out of their own mouths. This includes depositions from the ruling elites and their spokes-borgs. Please refer to George Orwell, the Huxleys, Caroll Quigley, Antony Sutton, Jacques Attali, HG Wells, Charles Galton Darwin, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski if you need further proof.

Now, back to Gates.

Gates is heavily invested in developing a Microsoft version of healthcare – applying a computer model to the way disease is understood and treated. This essentially entails an object oriented plug and play model of delivering medicine. For Gates, vaccines are a one size fits all solution which can simply be updated with the latest set of definitions. The immune system, rather than being a complex and mysterious biological wonder, is seen as an operating system to be serviced with regular revisions, patches and upgrades.

By way of analogy, current operating system market share looks something like this

Windows 87.56%

Mac OS 9.54%

Linux 2.35%

Chrome OS 0.41%

Are you starting to see a picture here?

87.56% of PC users struggle with windows on a daily basis. Fortunately I am among the 2.35% who use Linux. There is a reason that I do not run a Microsoft OS on my PC. When I turn my computer on, it works. Every time. Exactly like the last time. Exactly like the first time. No need for regular updates and patches. No need for anti-virus software, because Linux provides a highly secure, stable environment. It may be little clunky at times, it may even look like a poor relation when put beside Windows. Open source alternatives to popular programs like Photoshop and Adobe aren’t necessarily as feature-rich or intuitive to learn and use. But – it doesn’t fall prey to malicious attacks in the way Windows does either. No malicious code can be written into the kernel if I accidentally click on an innocuous link during a browser session, or open an email from an untrusted source, because the software does not have root access. This is completely the opposite of Windows which needs regular security updates and STILL prefers to be reformatted and re-installed every 6-12 months as it gets bogged down with band-aid on top of band-aid.

Apologies for the digression, but this is actually a perfect metaphor, which is hardly surprising. It is Gates’ business model after all. And Gates through his 'philanthropy' seems to have convinced health bureaucrats the world over that this is how medicine should work too. Along with his mate Tedros Adhanom at the WHO (which gets much of its funding from the Gates Foundation) Gates has pimped the urgent need for a 'safe and effective' vaccine, to the point where the development time-frame has been compressed from the usual 10-15 years from pre-clinical trials through to approval and licensing, to about 10 months.

"COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out for emergency use authorisation in several countries. However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years." - National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance

It is important to note that the ‘vaccines’ on offer from Pfizer and Moderna are not vaccines as commonly understood. Where traditional vaccines work by injecting the subject with dead or attenuated virus particles which stimulate an immune response, these new mRNA ‘vaccines’ are actually a new and highly experimental gene therapy involving synthetic RNA sequences which are said to elicit immunity by causing the cell itself to produce segments of the Sars CoV-2 S1 spike protein. It is believed that the immune system will then mount a sufficient antibody response to reduce symptoms by up to 65%.

From a lay perspective it seems that the mRNA ‘vaccine’ causes your immune system to become hyper vigilant towards a particular protein created by your own cells.

Isn't that how autoimmune diseases work?

Carrie Madej, D.O. writes “What happens when your body’s own cells are programmed to keep making the protein of an invader, forever and ever, with no programmed end date? What happens when your immune system is in perpetual overdrive, tricked into believing there's a pathogen that just never goes away?”

The danger is that this may lead to an explosion of autoimmune diseases in coming months and years. Furthermore, the antibodies which the mRNA vaccines are designed produce have the potential to attack a natural protein in the blood-brain barrier, as well as sperm cells and the placenta barrier which protects unborn children.

Many doctors and medical experts have expressed concerns about the application of this experimental gene therapy to the novel coronavirus. Immunology Professor Dolores Cahill of University College Dublin has warned that disease enhancement may cause many vaccine recipients to die months or years down the road, while German infectious disease specialist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has put it more bluntly: "This vaccine will lead you to your doom.”

Is this what Gates meant when he said that “If we do a good job with vaccines and health care we can reduce the population by 10-15%”?

I suppose if the masses are OK with a 54 year old 6’ 8” 220 pound navy veteran covered in military tattoos playing community college basketball in the Women’s league, and OK with a transgender MMA fighter literally breaking her opponent’s skull, they can also pretend that this novel gene therapy is a vaccine, and that the government cares about their health. Personally I’m adopting a new health strategy. If you've had the covid vaccine, I'm going to have to ask that you don't come near me. I'm immune compromised you see, and there's no telling what you might be carrying, or how it might affect me.


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